Upcoming Events
7 April World Health Day
22 April International Mother Earth Day
6 May World Kids Colouring Day
1 June International Children’s Day
15 June World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
20 June World Refugee Day
This calendar aims to support community organisations to celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and peoples and their ongoing contribution to this nation.
The artwork depicts native food of Australia, completed during a series of workshops with members of the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. The photographs were contributed by the Solid Young Fulla’s.
The workshops included discussions around health, wellbeing, and nutrition. The calendar includes significant dates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider community. Awareness dates, events, safety and emergency awareness and an activity for you or your workplace are included for each month.
ACTCOSS wishes to acknowledge the support and participation from the Solid Young Fulla’s, Gugan Gulwan Youth Aboriginal Corporation (Young Men’s Group and Bimberi Arts through Therapy Program), Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service, ATSIComSec Network members and Burrunju Aboriginal Corporation (Carers Program).
This calendar was funded through the ACT Government, 2011/12 ACT Health Promotion Grants Program.